By Allen O. Brac In this confusing world where it is difficult to understand right from wrong with so many mixed up messages (ie. Barry Soetoro, aka Barak Obola, aka, Barak Obama, says you can keep your Doctor and your Health Plan if you like it, over 29 times publicly, but where reality says that is simply NOT true) there is a clue to figuring out this confusing rhetoric. The all important clue, is in where the lines are drawn. It is OK for a man to act like a woman, but if he dares act like a man, he is somehow threatening. It is OK for a woman to act like a man, but if she dares defend the joys of motherhood she is persecuted. Both sexes can have surgeries to become the other sex, and this is suppose to be normal thinking (LMFAO). Meanwhile it is a fact, and common sense, when a woman becomes a man she will never have sperm to spark life, and when a man becomes a woman this supposed woman will never have a uterus to give birth, create life. This is considered normal? Strange, how we are apparently interchangeable, or at least, that is what the makers of propoganda in our society would like us to believe. Can anyone be Jesus, or Gandhi, or Dr. King? Can anyone truly be something they are not? We are told not to judge. Hence the acceptance of our degenerate culture. Yet, you are judged everyday by police officers, your boss, your family, your school (on your skin color no less, so sad), by anyone with any sort of authority (or perceived authority) over you, you are judged. Reality is that without the ability to judge, very few people could even do their job, let alone stave off walking over a cliff, or not burning themselves ("judging danger", or what used to be called common sense). Human resource departments could not do their jobs, electricians could not gage, musicians could not create, casting directors could not choose, jurors could not fulfill their task, teachers could not grade, etc. etc.; your getting the point. Not judging, leads to the meltdown of a civil society. So then, why is this PHILOSOPHY pushed so hard by the propagandist of our American Culture? And why do these same propagandist over look the judgements within cultures outside of our own? Well, it appears for one simple reason. We are living in a period of REENGINEERING. The lines that keep society functional, are being transformed as to be non functional. America is being taken over from within. Without firing one shot, our enemies through our negligence, are destroying what was (and will be again) the only true place on earth for a man/woman to make something of themselves without having to beckon to the call of another. The only place on earth where an Individual had rights to do as they pleased, and where those Individual rights were protected by the state. By creating and promoting false individualism (such as a man turning into a woman) we are being transformed into a totalitarian state, where the God is Government, so that any man/woman (regardless if he thinks he is a woman or not) can be crushed by the powers that run this twisted totalitarian state. You see, if you don't judge, then you have just given the power of judgement to someone else who will use that power to destroy you for being naive. Often, people lose out in life not because they lacked the skill needed, but because someone else was willing to sell apart of their soul, and you weren't. Far too many don't know they have a soul to protect to begin with, making it even easier for them to be corrupted, because they don't have the ability or care to understand right from wrong; from crossing the line to not crossing the line. Regardless, the lines are there. For the last 50 years or so in the United States of America the propagandist have been creating a dysfunctional maze for those unaware, those lacking wisdom, to find their way through. Creating a false wisdom for those without understanding. This confusion put on the masses does not exist for those controlling the masses. Why? Because they are above the lines that they have created for you, but not for them. Congress doesn't have to follow the very same laws they pass for us. Barry, has committed so many crimes of treason he should not be impeached, he should be ARRESTED, and tried by a jury of his peers in a public trial. He isn't arrested at this time because too many of the sold souls, the ones lacking in wisdom, see him as above the lines created, out of reach. This is an illusion created by the same propagandist who seek our destruction. So how do you notice the lines? What do you do about them? Turn off the TV which is called a "program" because they are programming you. Learn from the great minds of history by reading about them and their lives, their struggles. Become your own person, your own Individual who's eyes remain open to judge what your eyes see and what your ears hear. Stop sticking your head in the sand, your not an ostrich (after all you are reading this). Realize you are a piece of the maze of life, not in the maze. Your life matters if you make it matter. JOIN ME.. Till next time. Be Blessed... Email Author here.
10/12/2014 10:46:00 am
So true...
10/12/2014 11:03:15 am
After reading the articles on this site, it is a pleasant surprise that there are really good, intelligent people who are willing to spend their time to try and educate others that each person CAN make a difference in their own as well as other people's lives by just wanted and being a decent human being. Don't let bad politics make you evil. Love your blog, keep spreading the word.
Aniston C
10/12/2014 12:06:07 pm
Like Jesus, Thomas Hobbes said in a State of Nature life is brutish and short. Without laws or religion, man is by default evil. We need a leviathen to fear. Cool blog, I'll be coming back!
Umbargo N'Delouise
10/14/2014 07:31:26 am
All this would be digestable and would even cause me to stop and think about it, until you throw in the religious jibberish. Why don't you find a way to get your message across without sounding like a fundamentalist? Leave religion out of it because there is no right or wrong religion - you know that. That light you saw could have been Allah, Yahweh, Brahman, or any number of other names for the Light. You just close off your audience when you refer to it as Jesus, and you get filed under 'religious fanatic'.
Political Moron
10/16/2014 03:21:29 am
No light came until the name JESUS was said, over and over. Not the name Allah, not Yahweh (who is GOD by the way), not Brahman, JESUS. This is because JESUS, is the lamb, who suffered and died for OUR SINS. Only thru CHRIST is salvation possible, that is what the story proves. I am just sharing the knowledge I have gathered. It is up to you to act on it. And I am glad to see you do not put your trust in man. But if not GOD, who then? Be Blessed... Comments are closed.
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