By Allen O. Brac Yours truly has once again experienced the miseducation of New York's Finest and the totalitarian state soon to surpass the East German Stasi and Nazi German police (who devastated so many lives). There is an attempt at creating a web around us trying to make us all criminals. What will it take to realize they're there to protect us and NOT HARASS US? How can one be a good citizen in our free society, when peace officers are starting a war that has been repeated for the worst throughout history? A war mind you, that entraps them, all of our family members, you Mayor and all of our tourists (who spend money here). What totalitarian foolishness are we unleashing on our city streets? This needs to END NOW. Mayor de Blasio, I'm presenting to you an opportunity to take charge, end the silliness, and understand the present mentality of your NYPD. On the night of Saturday November 8th 2014 I was having a good time out with my friend, when we decided it would be nice to go for a walk in Central Park. We barely entered the park when a police cruiser (car 5125 of the Central Park Precinct) was on the path in which we were walking, rudely blocking our way. For this reason, we decided to follow the path right, believing the police were doing their job and making the park secure. We felt good at this moment laughing and engaged in light hearted conversation. Little did we expect what was about to occur from the zombie minds of the cowards (labeled this for a reason you will come to understand) in car 5125. They quickly approached us and pulled along side me and DEMANDED my license (MY PAPERS). No hello, no excuse me, just give me your papers. I asked Officer Aponte, why he wished to see my papers. He demanded again for me to give him my papers. I asked if I was being detained or under arrest, and if so for what reason. He threatened me that I would be in more trouble if I didn't just give him my papers. My friend, being a nice person and not knowing the recent Nazi mentality of the NYPD, was more then willing to turn over her papers, believing by showing them respect they would impart the same back to her. A belief, sadly proven wrong though attempted multiple times. I informed Officer Aponte and his female partner I knew Chief so and so in the NYPD, and that we are just going for a walk trying to enjoy the night. I was then threatened that I would be arrested for trying to bribe a police officer. Get this, I was not being detained, I was not under arrest, but apparently, my comment was taken as a bribe. A bribe for what purpose at this time? For expecting Freedom! I told the officers I was not bribing them, but rather informing them who I was, trying to give them peace of mind that I was OK, since it is well known that NYPD officers frequently let family members of other officers off the hook for things that are frivolous and really just about meeting the summon quotas officers are given each night. This is one of many reasons why police departments across the country need to immediately stop being revenue generators and go back to real police work and hire thinking leaders, not followers. After all, following orders didn't save the German Troops at the Nuremberg Trials. At this point Officer Aponte decided to inform me what my offense was, which (till this point) I still was not informed of. I WAS IN THE PARK PAST CURFEW! CURFEW? I was completely unaware grown ADULT's like my friend and myself living in the liberal haven of the supposed freest country in the world (at least this is what they tell us our young men and women die for, Freedom) had a CURFEW! Apparently Central Park, one of the biggest tourist attractions in the "city that never sleeps", is now OFF Limits from 1am to 6am. I guess we do sleep? A bogus rule created by the Parks Department (NOT THE CITY COUNSEL) which I HIGHLY suggest you change Mayor de Blasio. I have lived in NYC my entire life (over 40 years) and have been in this beautiful park hundreds of times late at night, never having an issue till now. I quickly looked at my watch believing it was not even 1am. It was 1:09am. Wow, I am a bad boy. I was in a park my tax dollars pay for 9 minutes past a park rule and unconstitutional curfew. I believe I still have the freedom to express this thought, or do I need to be in a "free speech zone" for that? My friend and I, handed the officers (against my better judgement) our ID hoping they would check it out and see we are part of the Nazi Party (LOL, some humor Mayor, meaning we are Not Wanted Criminals/Jews in reference to living under this Totalitarian state reminiscent of Nazi Germany, nothing against the Jewish Community mind you) and would let us go with an understanding. This did not occur. Instead Officer Aponte like a maniac on the loose, approached a half a dozen other people and did the same exact criminal act of demanding their papers, in this supposed free America. For a rule, not a LAW enacted by our City Counsel! This is TOTAL ABUSE OF POWER, unconstitutional and Mayor you should not allow it under your reign. Just giving a warning to all of us about this bogus curfew would have allowed the officers to size us up and determine if we were nefarious characters. However, that is not their mission. Their mission was devious and against helping you create a stronger, safer NYC for us all. Mayor it has come to my attention, in the police academy they are teaching the public is the enemy. Let it be said loud and clear, "I AM NOT ANYONE's ENEMY! I AM CITIZEN IN THE GREATEST FREEST NATION ON EARTH". The mind set being taught to our new recruits is no longer to "protect and serve" but rather to "subdue and enforce" (again reminiscent of Nazi Germany). The general pubic is to be viewed as hostile at all times towards the police and the police are to subdue them into non confrontation, to have any questioning of authority is to be considered hostile. Our Bill of Rights is to holt this very attitude from government. NYPD recruits are now being trained that even looking directly into a police man's eyes is now considered an afront, a challenge, to the police officers authority. Mayor de Blasio, I plead to you, ask yourself, is this the Legacy you want to leave behind, that you created a hostile police department which views our community as Enemies?? I am NOT an enemy. My companion that night is NOT an enemy. How sad to experience first hand NYPD thinks otherwise... After waiting for 15 to 20 minutes I was called over to car 5125 with the Nazi's in it who held my valuable papers. I again asked them to please rip up our summones, to which they replied "You just have to go down to court and tell them it was your first offense and the Judge will most likely let it go." Really?? My friend and I just have to waste a day of our lives and lose a day of our ability to earn money and support our productive lifestyle from which we pay the taxes that employ them. How dare they ask that of me for a crony rule (NOT a Law). How dare they tell me to plead guilty to an unconstitutional curfew which to my knowledge has never been approved by the (people) City Counsel as a Law. How dare they do this to all of us who were there that night. How dare they ask us to plead guilty to something we did not even know existed and which now places us under a possible warrant for our arrest being a Criminal Act! If there is a criminal, I'd say its the person who hired these unqualified officers. I miss the days of beat cops who actually knew the neighborhood and its people. They thought for themselves and had Real Authority to make decisions independently. I suggest we go back to hiring police with over a 100 IQ, not under, which is becoming apparent more and more. I then turned to Officer Aponte, who had mentioned they need to do this in order to clean up the bad element in Central Park, and I said, "The entire time you have been harassing all these nice people (one of them walking his dog) I can assure you someone somewhere in this park is getting mugged or raped and actually needs your help." Officer Aponte, WHILE LAUGHING, stated "I don't want to deal with them." REALLY?? THAT IS YOUR JOB MR. APONTE! YOUR JOB IS TO FIND THOSE PEOPLE AND ARREST THE BAD GUY, NOT TO HARASS INNOCENT PEOPLE. People getting mugged an raped are praying for officers like Aponte and his partner to find them in that moment of need, and for them NOT to be cowards planning on hiding during their shift because they kept their hire ups happy and handed out revenue generating summones. Do we really want to turn everyone into criminals Mayor de Blasio, especially over taking a walk in our beautiful Central Park? One couple in the group was from New Jersey. I am sure they will think twice before coming into the city to spend their hard earned money, is this the image you want in our city Mayor? If the NYPD actually did their JOBS, and stopped harassing and creating Criminals by attempting to give good honest people records (oh yes, we all need to appear in Criminal Court), maybe, there wouldn't be crime in Central Park. If Officer Aponte and his partner weren't cowards and seeked out the rapist and the mugger instead of harass the common good folk and tourist we rely on, maybe people would respect the NYPD and you Mayor, instead of seeing you all as imposers of burdens on the rest of us. Ah, if only. I immediately call for and request in this plea for Justice "a change in mentality." I request you Mayor de Blasio to dock Officer Aponte and his partner in car 5125 in Central Park the night of November 8/9th 2014 a weeks pay, and force them to take classes on how to treat the citizens of this great city with respect (isn't that the NYPD motto "Courtesy, Professionalism, RESPECT?"). How is there a place in New York's Finest, for a couple of cowards who laugh at Officer Aponte's own comment about NOT WANTING to find the people who most need a Police Officer's help? This is most certainly NOT Fine... I am still in shock from hearing this out of a Police Officer's mouth Mayor. I ask you with all the respect in the world to show New Yorker's that you love this great city as much as all of us, that you truly want to keep our police department the Finest and filled with officer's who protect freedoms, not steal freedoms, like the Stasi. Lets eliminate this curfew or at minimum change it to talking to the citizen's and seeing if they are nefarious. Let us not allow any Officer of the NYPD to think this coward behavior of hiding during their shifts after handing out their quota, acceptable. Also, a public apology to my friend, myself, and all of us that were given these summones that night by Officer Aponte and his partner, along with the immediate throwing out of these summones would be very kind Mayor. Thank you for listening. I pray you agree with me and the fine citizens of this awesome city. And Mayor, FYI, Officer Aponte, is the one who suggested I reach out to you. The NYPD (Aponte and his partner) were BLAMING YOU and your Administration on their Nazi behavior. I suggest you immediately visit the Police Academy and let all recruits and current officers know that this is NOT the environment (citizens viewed as enemies) you want to create. JOIN ME.. All the Best to you and your Mayorship. Email Author here.
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