EVERY ONE WHO CALLS THEMSELF A BELIEVER IN JESUS CHRIST, SHOULD HANG THEIR HEAD IN SHAME. FOR GOD OPENED HIS COURT TO you! And mankind rejected HIS Help. WOE!!! FOR ALMOST ONE YEAR "I" REACHED OUT TO SUPPOSED BELIEVERS THROUGHOUT THE EARTH, AND TOLD THEM, GOD WAS HOLDING COURT IN JUNE 2022. "NOT ONE" person, NOT ONE, took GOD up on HIS OFFER and Filed a Claim. NOT ONE!!! WOE!!!! Let the Below Remain a Reminder that GOD has not forgotten you, but rather, man, has most certainly forgotten his GOD, his SAVIOR, his REDEEMER! WOE!!! Shame on the phony churches. Shame on the phony shepherds . Shame on the phony prophets. Shame on the phony believers. SHAME ON YOU ALL!!! Shame on you for having "No Faith". FOR GOD REACHED OUT, but you wouldn't believe... HKA Let the filings begin"We the People, are the Body of Christ, and shall bring Actions/Suits against those seeking to destroy & pervert Our minds & bodies. Don't waste time. File your CORE suits today. We await there arrivals. Praise the LORD OUR GOD! Jews, Christians, Muslims, All, whom the HOLY SPIRIT is guiding away from the devil's poisons, are welcome to File as many Form 101 claims as you'd like." High King Allen 320 CT TO ALL CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH: Biological Weapons* shall not be used on the LORD'S Children. Download the below document Released 7/19/21 (updated 7/31/21) by the LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS, detailing the KINGDOM Of TRUTH & PROSPERITY'S response to evil, and how you can save your children and your peace. Absorb what it states, and give thanks to God that this day has come. Praise the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Download From Here: ![]()
Or From Here: No weapon formed against thee shall prosper, is God's Promise. In JESUS Name we shall Rise and Prosper in Good Health... *Definition Biological Weapons: That which may cause mental or physical harm to a Temple (Body) of GOD's. Suits are being Accepted against, but not limited to: non-essential churches - shepard's - governments - politicians - corporations - LLC's - organizations - 501 3 c's - school districts - cities & individuals requesting you or your child take or listen to any of their poisons. Poisons can be but are not limited to: Vaccines, mRNA concoctions, DNA concoctions, PCR Tests of any-kind [as this evil fraud being called a test, does not isolate a virus], CRT, Your bad because your White [these defendants will get extra fires in hell since you have to be really far from GOD, and very stupid to think one color person is better than another color person], Chemtrails, Masks, etc. External harm and/or internal harm. Psychological harm and/or with-holding of information harm (such as the side-effects of the drug pushers poison, that according to their commercials have no dangerous side-effects. WOE!). Purposeful spread of unwarranted fears and/or the purposeful spread of weaponized technology such as but not limited to; Radio Frequency Energy in the Oxygen spectrum, Biological Nanotechnology, Altering of RNA and/or DNA Code Designed by God. The injecting of "anything" into one's body, which that Individual has not consented to being injected into their temple. WOE! As masks reduce oxygen to the temple, the demand they be worn by children, or anyone, is now over for the Children of the LORD. Praise be to God! Understand the Special Generation You are Apart Of
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