There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was blameless and upright, and one who feared GOD and shunned evil. JOB 1:1 "If only we were ALL like JOB, how quickly the wicked would melt away to the dust bins of history." CT 215
New York City Department of Education is Purposely Poisoning Children - This PSA (Public Service Announcement) is a Special Allen O Brac Podcast just for YOU. If you are a Parent YOU MUST WATCH THIS PODCAST and spread the information to ALL Parents you know.
Monsanto Guilty of Chemical Poisoning - Better think twice about consuming that GMO food.
The 9/11 Fraud - We're fast approaching the 14th Anniversary of 9/11. In honor of those who lost their lives it's up to us to get to the Truth and to Punish those who perpetrated the LIES of 9/11 or what you know as the Official Story. These lies stole our Freedoms, our Wealth, our Very Way of Life. May we have the Courage not only to expose the roaches that assisted & created this horror, but also to accept the Truth of what occurred.
Beware! GOFUNDME Is Pure Evil in Disguise - This is the Second time in the same year Go Fund Me has shut down a Christian Cause. All Christians should Immediately leave their site for good. Obviously Go Fund Me is run by pure evil. We should NEVER give it money and/or empower it.
DNC Admits to Hiring Illegal and Holds Up Middle Finger - Do you hear it? "BREAKING THE LAAAW BREAKING THE LAAAW!" They CAN, you CAN'T. This is why we need to go back to an extremely limited amount of laws. Laws, mostly just keep the majority down and in trouble.
9th Planned Parenthood Video - Still No Arrests and our Government keeps funding them. Truly a wicked group of people are in control of Our Government and it is up to US to stop them. Plan to Victory PHASE I
Government Creates Fake News - Unchecked Powers gone amuck.
Hacked Clinton Secrets, No More - This is how it really works. You get spied on, tough luck, deal with it, you must be hiding something if you don't like it. THEY GET SPIED ON, spy Dies... Anyone for NSA spying is a complete fool or a complete sell out (Sold Soul); either one is Not Acceptable.
The Roman Catholic Church has Obviously Lost Its Path - Does anyone remember Jesus doing anything but scolding his enemies? Praying for your enemies is one thing, but giving the flock a false sense that Evil can be bargained with is something out of Hell. Pope Francis is the biggest disappointment to have come out of the Vatican in recent history. In the short time period Francis has been Pope catholics must already long for a Pope that focuses on the messages of Jesus Christ, and not the messages of the Devil and helping promote his deception. Shame on you Francis for being such a weak messenger of GOD and causing so many of the flock to be led to the slaughter.
Another Clown Court - Apparently reading and understanding the United States Constitution is not a prerequisite of becoming an Appeal Court Justice. Judge Janice Rogers Brown believes we live in a Dictatorship. As the Animas tragedy showed, incompetence can't be promoted.
Apparently Shipping Baby Parts is a Funny Business to be In - I don't understand why I am still posting stories like this and NOT stories about the Arrest of All these individuals who are Illegally Selling Baby Body Parts??? Is the core of our Policing Authorities and Federal Prosecutors rotted out that much? If so, I can not even imagine (nor do I wish to) the suffering these men/women will go through before perishing forever.
Another Lois Lerner Email Account - I keep telling you all Do Not be deceived. The devil and his minions will tell you a lie a million times so you have to keep digging until your brain and gut are satisfied with the findings. They Lie, They Lie, They Lie...
Judge Removes Injunction on Planned Parenthood Video - 8th VIDEO RELEASED. Our Plan to Victory PHASE I is working. The Judge who ordered the Injunction just removed it. Proof God change's minds. Keep Praying all those who have signed the Pledge and Join Us to those who haven't.
Planned Parenthood Makes for One Horrible Parent, Cuts Through Babies Face to Get Intact Brain - Why haven't the authorities arrested any of these Monsters yet? Hey! Law Enforcement, Selling Body Parts is ILLEGAL! Oh, that's right, your too busy bothering law abiding citizens over not wearing seat belts. LOL (apologies for laughing, NOT laughing at the babies face being cut through by the Mass Murders for Profit)
More Police Departments Ignore the Constitution - We really need to Pray for the good police officers out there and for more of them...
Looks Like Another Corrupt Federal Judge - Judge Snow is acting disgraceful. Not only is he wasting our tax dollars by giving them to his Brother-In-Laws Law Firm which is representing the Gov't (to the tune of millions of dollars so far) but he is obviously not being partial in the case, having an open hatred for the Sheriff he is trying to destroy. Just so happens it's Sheriff Joe, the only Sheriff in the country with the common sense and balls to Investigate the known Liar Barry Soetoro's fraudulent Birth Certificate. But that's probably just a coincidence, LOL... "Love justice, you that are the judges of the earth." Wisdom 1:1
Only One Conservative Group Given Non-Profit Status During a Three Year Period - Of course it was "Lois Lerner" who was in charge of that IRS Department during these years... Why hasn't she been arrested yet? Hmm, she must have been ordered to do this from higher up - if not, she would have been arrested by now for multiple crimes. Plan to Victory PHASE I
Pure and Simple Corruption at its Finest - Ms. Mills and her Attorneys should be Immediately Imprisoned and tried for Treason.
Planned Parenthood Corruption - It is illegal to sell body parts in the United States, they should be immediately shut down and many of these people should be sent to jail for a long long time. If they only knew Wisdom 1:4-5 above.
Another Corrupt Judge - Barring Truth
Barry Will Veto this Bill - The Message? Running a business of murdering HUMAN BABIES (in the womb) and then selling those BABY PARTS (completely ILLEGAL under US LAW - not the murdering part, just the selling part is Illegal) is OK with Barry and the rest of the Demoncrats (no misspelling). The Supreme Clowns in Robes decided (in 1973) you can murder your baby in the womb, but only if your a woman. Plan to Victory Phase I
FIFTH Planned Parenthood VIDEO - OMG, this is hard to see. Arrest them ALL and shut this Monster House Down. This Human Baby is treated like fresh caught tuna at the dock.
Another Corrupt Judge - Barring Truth
Barry Will Veto this Bill - The Message? Running a business of murdering HUMAN BABIES (in the womb) and then selling those BABY PARTS (completely ILLEGAL under US LAW - not the murdering part, just the selling part is Illegal) is OK with Barry and the rest of the Demoncrats (no misspelling). The Supreme Clowns in Robes decided (in 1973) you can murder your baby in the womb, but only if your a woman. Plan to Victory Phase I
FIFTH Planned Parenthood VIDEO - OMG, this is hard to see. Arrest them ALL and shut this Monster House Down. This Human Baby is treated like fresh caught tuna at the dock.
Here Are the Politicians that were Paid to Make GMO Labeling "Illegal" - If you are a constituent of any of these Sold Souls do your best to send them home. How dare they sell out our and our children's Right to Know what we are eating.
I Know Nothing, I See Nothing - we MUST put a stop to this organization. Read also, this Related Article
Wisdom from Pope Pius XI - IMPORTANT to read if you are a Catholic. Insightful to read if you are a Christian. Eye opening to read for anyone else. Evil has long been deceiving us and the time to take Action is now!
Pope Francis: 'Corruption Is A Greater Evil Then Sin' Does it really take a Communist Pope to understand this simple concept? Have we become that void America? Posting this article does not mean we support or agree with the philosophy of the Roman Catholic Church which presently is controlled by wicked men, however, we do support all those good Christians and good Priests who happen to be in the Roman Catholic Church.
Harry Reid's Bodyguard Physically Attacks "Crapitalism" Author Jason Mattera... They want to take our 2nd Amendment away from us, yet these coward's (Michael Bloomberg, as well as others) travel everywhere with thugs like this. Just Unbelievable Hypocrisy.
For wisdom will not enter into a malicious soul, nor dwell in a body subject to sins. For the holy spirit of discipline will flee from the deceitful, and will withdraw himself from thoughts that are without understanding, and he shall not abide when iniquity cometh in. Wisdom 1:4-5 And we wonder how it can be todays liberalism is a mental disorder. Now we know...