Taken from the Catholic Action Bible
Copyright 1960
IN OUR OWN TIMES when the forces of evil are organized with frightening efficiency, we see the wisdom of the timely warning given by Pope Pius XI, and afterwards stressed by his successor, regarding the need for Catholic Action. Catholic Action is the organization of the faithful directed by the hierarchy to defend and promote Christ's Kingdom on earth. This Apostolate is often regarded by Catholics as something outside their normal Catholic duty. This is a MISTAKE NOTION since the very sacraments of baptism and confirmation impose the Obligation of Spiritual Help to our neighbor. Baptism imposes the duty of Apostolate since through it we become members of the Church which is the Mystical Body of Christ; and among the members of this Body, as of any organism, there must be solidarity of interests, each member helping the other, and NO ONE remaining inactive. Confirmation, which sets the Seal of Soldier upon us, marks us out as fighters for Christ's Cause.
Obviously the idea that one's Catholicism can be restricted to a mere attendance at Mass and to the reception of the sacraments, without carrying the fruits and power of one's Catholic life into every phase of our daily life, is false. In the home, at work, in all social contacts our Catholicism should color our every attitude and the strength of Catholic Action must be applied as a leaven. Concerning this, Pope Pius XI has said that no activity which is possible and useful to Christian life may be excluded from its program and that a Catholic cannot have one conscience in his private life and another in public.
Since Catholic Action occupies itself so much with external works there is always a danger that the participant may be carried away with such Action and forget that Catholic Action, like the Church whose direct collaborator it is, has not a material end but a Spiritual one. Furthermore preoccupation with external works, no matter how high the motive, can be positively dangerous unless those exterior works are an overflowing of the interior life. Our Divine Master has told us "With out Me you can do nothing" John 15:5, and so, no fruit can be expected in the active life unless our works spring from the interior life. It is, therefore, of the utmost importance that anyone engaged in Catholic Action should cultivate the interior life. This has been well defined as that state of activity of a soul of a soul which strives against its natural inclinations in order to regulate them, and endeavors to acquire the habit of judging and directing it movements in all things according to the light of the gospel and the example of our Lord.
With this in mind, it was decided to call this Bible the Catholic Action Edition, for only by a constant reading of Holy Scripture will it be possible to direct our actions in all things according to the light of the gospel and the example of our Lord. It is, therefore, our sincere hope that this Bible might provide the interior nourishment and necessary preparation for that fruitful Catholic Action to which our Popes have called us.
Have you heard any recent Pope talk like this? Who has taken over the Roman Catholic Church? Why are they misleading their flock today?
DO NOT be Deceived...
Copyright 1960
IN OUR OWN TIMES when the forces of evil are organized with frightening efficiency, we see the wisdom of the timely warning given by Pope Pius XI, and afterwards stressed by his successor, regarding the need for Catholic Action. Catholic Action is the organization of the faithful directed by the hierarchy to defend and promote Christ's Kingdom on earth. This Apostolate is often regarded by Catholics as something outside their normal Catholic duty. This is a MISTAKE NOTION since the very sacraments of baptism and confirmation impose the Obligation of Spiritual Help to our neighbor. Baptism imposes the duty of Apostolate since through it we become members of the Church which is the Mystical Body of Christ; and among the members of this Body, as of any organism, there must be solidarity of interests, each member helping the other, and NO ONE remaining inactive. Confirmation, which sets the Seal of Soldier upon us, marks us out as fighters for Christ's Cause.
Obviously the idea that one's Catholicism can be restricted to a mere attendance at Mass and to the reception of the sacraments, without carrying the fruits and power of one's Catholic life into every phase of our daily life, is false. In the home, at work, in all social contacts our Catholicism should color our every attitude and the strength of Catholic Action must be applied as a leaven. Concerning this, Pope Pius XI has said that no activity which is possible and useful to Christian life may be excluded from its program and that a Catholic cannot have one conscience in his private life and another in public.
Since Catholic Action occupies itself so much with external works there is always a danger that the participant may be carried away with such Action and forget that Catholic Action, like the Church whose direct collaborator it is, has not a material end but a Spiritual one. Furthermore preoccupation with external works, no matter how high the motive, can be positively dangerous unless those exterior works are an overflowing of the interior life. Our Divine Master has told us "With out Me you can do nothing" John 15:5, and so, no fruit can be expected in the active life unless our works spring from the interior life. It is, therefore, of the utmost importance that anyone engaged in Catholic Action should cultivate the interior life. This has been well defined as that state of activity of a soul of a soul which strives against its natural inclinations in order to regulate them, and endeavors to acquire the habit of judging and directing it movements in all things according to the light of the gospel and the example of our Lord.
With this in mind, it was decided to call this Bible the Catholic Action Edition, for only by a constant reading of Holy Scripture will it be possible to direct our actions in all things according to the light of the gospel and the example of our Lord. It is, therefore, our sincere hope that this Bible might provide the interior nourishment and necessary preparation for that fruitful Catholic Action to which our Popes have called us.
Have you heard any recent Pope talk like this? Who has taken over the Roman Catholic Church? Why are they misleading their flock today?
DO NOT be Deceived...