We are in Trouble... The extent of which our political process is corrupted is even beyond what I have believed. The large majority of our journalist in this nation are so self absorbed in keeping their jobs they are now teetering on treason. The screwed up 'so called elites' have become desperate to the point of exposing just how much they have controlled our political system over the decades; and how much they have had their hands in making sure we are choosing between two candidates they can control. NOT ONE of the candidates has signed The Pledge of the 2016 Election Challenge (as of April 14th 2016).
Jesus Being Mocked Yet Again - Comparing Hillary to Jesus, is like comparing a piece of sh*t to a rose. This disgrace shows how blind we have become. Thinking it would be cute to place a murderer and deceiver in the spot of Jesus? If Christians don't begin to take action and start reversing the acceptance of sin in our Nation, another Faith will do it for us. You all can bet your house, that Faith, won't be as kind as Christians.
RNC Loyalty Pledge - LMAO, what about being LOYAL to "We The People"? One is not suppose to be loyal to the Party, but to the NATION! Donald take a Real Pledge, the pledge to the Plan to Victory PHASE I and then challenge these cavemen to do the same.
Carson Gaining on Trump - Two reasons why Carson needs to go into the dustbin of history. ONE - He is for MANDATORY VACCINATIONS! Disgraceful! This tells us he is not a believer in the One True Creator because anyone who is, would not force another human to do anything against their own Free Will. TWO - He is simply way to naive for the Demons in Washington, they will run rings around him. He may be a great doctor, but he is not well rounded and does not possess sufficient knowledge to compete against evil. Perfect example of why the powers that be have been making sure people are not well educated in all subjects. Too specialized.
American People Tired of Being Patsies? - They're not tired of being patsies Donald; because these people you are talking about are people with strong Faith and Beliefs. Strong faith people are not stupid enough to be patsies. You better come to understand quickly that your base is Christians. The rest don't give two hoots about you and actually are jealous of you and want you destroyed. Unless they're on your pay roll.
O'Malley: It's Rigged for Hillary - Really? Debbie and the DNC would never do that. LOL Show courage O'Malley, leave the party and run under a different party. Oh thats right, you and your cohorts set things up so that basically the Republicans and Democrats are the only parties listed on every states election choices. Unless you have incredible self wealth like Trump or Perot your finished. Too bad... Why would you want to be in a party that doesn't believe "All Lives Matter" anyway? They did boo you off the stage, remember?
Quinnipiac Poll 'First Word' That Comes to Mind - Truth in polling? Hip Hip Hooray. Plan to Victory continues to destroy mainstream media propaganda.
Fiorina Expects Different Treatment for Being A Woman - We can no longer afford to have different rules for different genders/races. That period of American history is ending. The new period is Equal Rights for ALL (which is what the Constitutions main goal was). This means the same rules apply to Everyone! Period!
JEB Mentions 'Evildoers' - This is great news. I guess he will be one of the first to Sign the Pledge to Victory PHASE I then. He claims to be a Christian and now he claims to recognize the real problem with America, 'Evildoers'. Can't wait to see if he Signs Pledge, or if he is fraudulent...
Trump Speaks Truth to Zuckerberg Politics - Paid well by two brothers to create Facebook, then Zucker steals their idea which the brothers PAID HIM TO CREATE and gets away with it. Now he seeks people to work for him, as cheap as possible, with no ability to do to him what he did to the brothers. Somebody say creep?
Up To 305 Emails/Documents with Potentially Classified Information - Treason involved here? We shall see...
And the Weasels Plot On - Apparently the GOP knows how to protect their own territory (their Party that is) but they DO NOT know how to protect Our Territory (the Borders, which we sent them there to do). It makes me laugh that a silver spooned golden boy (who non of us should trust yet) can make them squeal so much. These supposed leaders are not only criminals against our Constitution, they are truly pathetic human beings. Plan to Victory PHASE I
Worth Reminding Us How Nice they All Get Along - Notice the year, 2011, that's the year he became a Republican. Curious if it was before or after this event.
The Conservative Media Hoax - Fox news was disgraceful this evening. I was going to write about it, but these guys already did a great job on it.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Blocks Tweeter Who Dares Have Common Sense - This woman is a total Political Moron...
Hillary's Donations to Charity Mostly Went to Her Clinton Foundation - Who would think that's even Legal? Do we want a person this sneaky in the White House? At least with Barry we can plead the MSM lied to us about him; because they DID! But Hillary's dirt is everywhere, so we can only blame ourselves if she gets in.
Less Than 65 Fund About 1/3 of the Almost 400MM Given Thus Far to 2016 Campaigns - Did anyone say "Puppets?". I think someone did.
VIDEO: O'Malley Booed For Saying "All Lives Matter"? - It's so sad so many have become so incredibly stupid/evil - Help Cure this Illness: Plan to Victory Phase I
Donald Trump Stumped by 9/11 Truther - It's interesting that the very first post for the 2016 Election has to deal with uncovering "Truth"; notice the way he handled it.
2014 Elections
2014 UPDATE: (posted 7-31-15)
No surprises unfortunately. Just as expected the Republicans have proved themselves to be no different then the Democrats. They're just two separate wings on the same bird of prey. But we can tame this bird.
The unconstitutional (regardless of what those "clowns" in robes said) Obamacare, is still here destroying jobs and businesses, while doing nothing to make HealthCare better or less expensive (article coming about this on the PM Blog); Trans Pacific Partnership is still going thru and now on fast track for passing (the only thing it's going to fast track is our jobs out of the country); NSA spying still going on, getting more intrusive and now conspiring with hundreds of lying attorneys/judges/law enforcement professionals under what is called "Parallel Construction" (this is Federal Agencies being Authorized and Trained to Lie in Court, How Wonderful!); Barry Soetoro has still not been Impeached for dozens of crimes way beyond Richard Nixon's crimes; Benghazi Committee has still not gotten to the bottom of things or held anyone accountable; Holder is now working for his old law firm that represents the Banking System instead of sitting in jail for the Fast and Furious scandal, among others; the poisoning of the air (Geo-Engineering) is still going on; the poisoning of our food supply through unhealthy chemicals and GMO's is now moving to our fish; I can go on, but you get the point.
What criminal cowards we elected. This new Republican Congress and Senate after 7 months of being in office have continued the theft (monetarily, physically and spiritually) from "We the People". Let's change this, see, Plan to Victory Phase I, and join thousands (may we together make it millions) of Real Winners.
No surprises unfortunately. Just as expected the Republicans have proved themselves to be no different then the Democrats. They're just two separate wings on the same bird of prey. But we can tame this bird.
The unconstitutional (regardless of what those "clowns" in robes said) Obamacare, is still here destroying jobs and businesses, while doing nothing to make HealthCare better or less expensive (article coming about this on the PM Blog); Trans Pacific Partnership is still going thru and now on fast track for passing (the only thing it's going to fast track is our jobs out of the country); NSA spying still going on, getting more intrusive and now conspiring with hundreds of lying attorneys/judges/law enforcement professionals under what is called "Parallel Construction" (this is Federal Agencies being Authorized and Trained to Lie in Court, How Wonderful!); Barry Soetoro has still not been Impeached for dozens of crimes way beyond Richard Nixon's crimes; Benghazi Committee has still not gotten to the bottom of things or held anyone accountable; Holder is now working for his old law firm that represents the Banking System instead of sitting in jail for the Fast and Furious scandal, among others; the poisoning of the air (Geo-Engineering) is still going on; the poisoning of our food supply through unhealthy chemicals and GMO's is now moving to our fish; I can go on, but you get the point.
What criminal cowards we elected. This new Republican Congress and Senate after 7 months of being in office have continued the theft (monetarily, physically and spiritually) from "We the People". Let's change this, see, Plan to Victory Phase I, and join thousands (may we together make it millions) of Real Winners.
I am glad to see the voters threw out many of the bums. This is a start in the right direction but only a start.
Now it is up to ALL of us to keep the fire under everyone of these new Senator's and Congressmen/women and make sure they start unraveling the cords around our necks. Stay tuned...
Now it is up to ALL of us to keep the fire under everyone of these new Senator's and Congressmen/women and make sure they start unraveling the cords around our necks. Stay tuned...
ELECTION ALERT!!! ALL Congressmen and Senator's (listed here) that Voted for the PPACA (Obama Care) thereby neglecting their Fiduciary Responsibility to their Constituents by "NOT reading" (as stated by Nancy Pelosi's disingenuousness) the PPACA before voting on it, NEED TO BE FIRED! Every voter must do their best to make sure these Fiduciary Neglecting men and women DO NOT GO BACK TO WASHINGTON. They have proven/shown to America, and their constituents, they DO NOT have our best interest at hand. What disgraces...
Its About Time, Black Activist Turn On Poor Black Leadership... Wow, this is a MUST SEE video. And hey! Your Not Alone. We can not stand our White Sell Outs Either.
"Elections are filled with enormous fraud, but when we have enormous turn outs, for men or women with character (remember, no one is perfect), the fraud is harder to perpetrate. Then goodness wins. Character is defined as a person who stands for solid principles, promoting truth, liberty and freedom at every turn; while shunning usurpers, known liars, and centralized government control. For no man has the right to be another's keeper; and if he desires to be kept, he is NO MAN AT ALL." CT 1226
Another Area Of Booth Errors (Maryland Now), GOP Votes Turning to Dem Votes... Here we go folks, welcome to the Fraud of Digital Voting Machines. Its time to go back to Paper Write In Ballots.
"We can not expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of socialsm, until they suddenly awake to find they have communism." -- Nikita Khrushchev We are now in the Crony Capitalism phase. We will stop it by voting for those who don't want further regulations and control, but rather want to give us our Constitutional Rights of Liberty and Freedom back. As Benjamin Franklin said, "They who can give up Essential Liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." While we get treated as prisoners at the airport, the borders are wide open. "Face it, the only real safety one has lays within their own actions; for no one can protect you against stupidity, including your own." CT 326 Like NOT stopping flights from West Africa during the biggest Ebola break out in history? Daaahhh, how stupid are these supposed leaders? Maybe not as stupid as we think. Fire them, and vote for individuals with solid principles (not nanny's) before greater harms are done.