Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God;
because many false prophets have gone forth into the world.
1 John 4:1
because many false prophets have gone forth into the world.
1 John 4:1
The Attack on Our Health
You have been trained to believe when someone talks about your health, they're speaking of your body. However, your health has three parts to it. Your Spirit; your Mind; and your Body. Each part should be nurtured in its own way separately. They are all under constant attack on a daily basis. We're going to go over what these attacks are and how you can protect them. All 3 are important to your over all well being so make sure to give attention to your complete health (Mind-Body-Soul).
Protecting Your Spirit/Soul
"God is spirit, and they who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth." John 4:24
It's surprising to some that the most important component to well being is our spirit/soul. If we gain the whole world but lose our soul/spirit, what good has it done us to gain the world. Time is infinite, so if you lived 100 healthy rich years, but lost your soul in the process, you have just lost the only thing that truly matters and that truly makes you - well, you. If someone asked you to make a deal and that deal was for you to have everything you want for one day, no matter what you asked it was yours, but the catch was after 24hrs. you would be no more, would you make that deal? One Day to have it all; the house, cars, plane, yacht, women/men, jewelry, clothes, money, money, money, etc. all yours. For one day, then you vanish forever. Deal? When comparing 100 years to eternity, it would actually be far less then a day.
This is the deal our wicked brethren have made. Except in their deal, they don't get everything (least of all happiness and peace) and they have many strings attached. Those strings attached, are tied to your destruction. This is why your spirit and God's spirit are under constant attack from the TV, the Films, Magazines, Books, Laws, etc. We all know there is NO Atheist in a fox hole, yet we see people act like there is no God watching us. Schools have taken God out, the TV and Films mostly mock God, politicians and judges avoid the subject of God (even though the judges have "In God We Trust" right behind them, this is an insult to God), God is shunned over and over in the present world. The silly part is that these Sold Souls made a deal with someone who doesn't have the supreme power to fulfill their side of the deal. What morons.
Protecting your soul from this onslaught is easier than most think. The Key is a relationship with God - talk to Him, he'll listen. God is everywhere. He is interacting with us constantly. The sun, the sky, the moon, birds, the wind, the rain, animals of all kind, humans, any time you are looking at these things or other parts of nature you are looking at our living God. Jesus Christ, who was the word made flesh came here to teach us how to have a relationship with God the Father. You should read every word in RED in a Bible, these are the words Christ spoke. Even if you don't read the rest of the Bible do your soul/spirit a favor and read every word Jesus spoke. Just recognizing your spiritual side does exist will do wonders for your health because being spiritually minded is life and peace.
This is the deal our wicked brethren have made. Except in their deal, they don't get everything (least of all happiness and peace) and they have many strings attached. Those strings attached, are tied to your destruction. This is why your spirit and God's spirit are under constant attack from the TV, the Films, Magazines, Books, Laws, etc. We all know there is NO Atheist in a fox hole, yet we see people act like there is no God watching us. Schools have taken God out, the TV and Films mostly mock God, politicians and judges avoid the subject of God (even though the judges have "In God We Trust" right behind them, this is an insult to God), God is shunned over and over in the present world. The silly part is that these Sold Souls made a deal with someone who doesn't have the supreme power to fulfill their side of the deal. What morons.
Protecting your soul from this onslaught is easier than most think. The Key is a relationship with God - talk to Him, he'll listen. God is everywhere. He is interacting with us constantly. The sun, the sky, the moon, birds, the wind, the rain, animals of all kind, humans, any time you are looking at these things or other parts of nature you are looking at our living God. Jesus Christ, who was the word made flesh came here to teach us how to have a relationship with God the Father. You should read every word in RED in a Bible, these are the words Christ spoke. Even if you don't read the rest of the Bible do your soul/spirit a favor and read every word Jesus spoke. Just recognizing your spiritual side does exist will do wonders for your health because being spiritually minded is life and peace.
Protecting Your Mind
Jesus said to them, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart,
and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind.
This is the greatest and the first commandment."
Matthew 22:37-38
and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind.
This is the greatest and the first commandment."
Matthew 22:37-38
Your mind is under attack all day in this world; from spiritual mistruths that you are hit with repetitively from many angles and from toxins that are in the water, food and air. The mind is under attack from yourself; whenever you are stressed with life and its decisions, when you are feeling insecure, when you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, when you are pressured to respond to things going on around you, when you are doubting your abilities. Worrying all the time is very bad for your mind, do not do this.
Your mind controls your body. Therefore, you must control your mind and if you don't others will. You must keep your mind sharp, exercising it at all times. Pursuing knowledge and wisdom is an important way to exercise your mind. Daydreaming by creating positive visions in your brain of how you would like things to turn out is a powerful way to expand your mind. Meditating is a great way to relax your mind. Laughing and being in a state of happiness is fantastic for your mind. By doing all the above you will create a healthy strong mind.
Your mind controls your body. Therefore, you must control your mind and if you don't others will. You must keep your mind sharp, exercising it at all times. Pursuing knowledge and wisdom is an important way to exercise your mind. Daydreaming by creating positive visions in your brain of how you would like things to turn out is a powerful way to expand your mind. Meditating is a great way to relax your mind. Laughing and being in a state of happiness is fantastic for your mind. By doing all the above you will create a healthy strong mind.
Protecting Your Body
"The lamp of the body is the eye. If thy eye be sound, thy whole body
will be full of light. But if thy eye be evil, thy whole body will be full of darkness.
Therefore if the light that is in thee is darkness, how great is the darkness itself!
No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other,
or else he will stand by the one and despise the other.
You cannot serve God and mammon."
Matthew 6:22-24
will be full of light. But if thy eye be evil, thy whole body will be full of darkness.
Therefore if the light that is in thee is darkness, how great is the darkness itself!
No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other,
or else he will stand by the one and despise the other.
You cannot serve God and mammon."
Matthew 6:22-24
The Body - statues are made of it; photographs are frequently taken of it; women and men (especially women) are adored for it; the site of it can make another person instantly love you, fear you or lose respect for you; the way it was created and operates has made us the top of the food chain here on earth; it comes in multiples of colors; everyone's is different. The Holy Spirit resides in this Temple of God, yet it is usually us that abuses it; attacking it by what we feed it, by how we treat it, and by how so many don't exercise it.
When you are young, you think it will work perfectly forever. And when you are old, you wish you would have done more while it worked better. Either way, the attacks on our body continue for young and old. The attacks on the body come from the food we feed it, to the drinks we give it, to the absence of exercise for it, to the lack of respect until we injure/lose a part of it, to the way some easily give it to others for sexual pleasures, there are many attacks on the body and many ways for it to become unhealthy.
Protecting our bodies from harm is certainly one way towards staying healthy. Exercising even for only 10 minutes a day is another. The most important thing you can do to keep your body healthy is to stay away from harmful chemicals that have no place in our bodily system. You do need to push the body at times, there is that old saying "No Pain, No Gain!", and it holds true, but you do not want to punish it. Fresh air is always good, get away to the beach and/or mountains (if you are not living there now) as often as possible. Fresh air helps your mind and spirit as well as your body. Stay away from vaccinations of any kind. Your body is a Temple of God, so treat it like one, Mind - Body - Spirit.
When you are young, you think it will work perfectly forever. And when you are old, you wish you would have done more while it worked better. Either way, the attacks on our body continue for young and old. The attacks on the body come from the food we feed it, to the drinks we give it, to the absence of exercise for it, to the lack of respect until we injure/lose a part of it, to the way some easily give it to others for sexual pleasures, there are many attacks on the body and many ways for it to become unhealthy.
Protecting our bodies from harm is certainly one way towards staying healthy. Exercising even for only 10 minutes a day is another. The most important thing you can do to keep your body healthy is to stay away from harmful chemicals that have no place in our bodily system. You do need to push the body at times, there is that old saying "No Pain, No Gain!", and it holds true, but you do not want to punish it. Fresh air is always good, get away to the beach and/or mountains (if you are not living there now) as often as possible. Fresh air helps your mind and spirit as well as your body. Stay away from vaccinations of any kind. Your body is a Temple of God, so treat it like one, Mind - Body - Spirit.